Friday, November 12, 2010

A Work of Art (I think)

I really want to say thank you to Bryan and Ms.Hartley and I'm a bit surprised to think that Bryan looked at this post! Anyway here are my work of arts this week.

I am strum, strum, strumming
I am hum, hum, humming
While I sit in bed
Wishing I had pencil lead
I am now sing singing
My voice is ring ringing
Then I think up a song
And start strum, strum, strumming.
I am click, click, clicking
I am think,think,thinking
I am sitting at my desk
Did I do good on the test?
Then I de-de-cide
To wri-wri-te
And that's how this poem began.
This halls us up
Oh the bongos are a humming
He quickly jots some notes
This strange man upon a boat
I wonder if he senses me
Out upon the sea
With his bongos drum,drum,drumming

Criss cross criss cross
Goes the spider near the moss
I said a criss cross criss cross
It does something then with a toss
the web is finished
criss criss cross
-One of the world's many works of art


Bryan S. said...

Okay, I think this is:


Who is this it's insane!

Anonymous said...

Who wrote this? It is different.

Author of "a work of art" said...

I tell you now I am not any of those people, but like the people you listed Yes II ahve a vowel in my name. Oh and thank you Bryan and Anonymus but please write your name next time So I can give a direct thank you

Bryan S. said...

Hello Author

What is the letter of your first name

That is my only question.......

Author of this post said...

The first letter of my name is not a vowel and it is in the first thirteen letters of the alphabete please take another guess thank you poaters!

Bryan S. (I Am Amazingly Awesome) said...

You must be a girl......

The first letter of your name will start with B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, or M......


work of art said...

who said I can't be a boy boys are good at poetry....sometimes wel i am. please vote on if I should post a song or not.

Katie Pena, Carlene Ogren, and Judi Thompson said...



Author of this post said...

Nope its not Max but I hope he likes my poetry if he LOVES it.

braciefacie said...

Clarissa-Sure but nothing inapropraite
Isabella-Do it dont dis hats
Person-dont release too many feelings!