Wednesday, October 1, 2008

BOX TURTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!

Your AwEsOmE daily review by Pamone, Lucky, and Gustavo!

Today we recieved a AwEsOmE Box Turtle who we haven't named yet but we will tomorrrow!
We also had 2 interns from UT come in and teach us about friction!!!!!
- Lucky

We did absolutely nothing. Actually, we made cute little factor and multiple mobiles that will help us rememberise our factors and multiples. "Pamone, that's not how you spell memorise". "I don't care I am being funny."!!!!!!
- Pamone

Social Studies...
In Mrs. Murray's class we did a massage line and while Mrs Murray read to us about explorers.We have learned how unfourtunate it that America is not called Vespucci.
- Gustavo

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