Tuesday, September 30, 2008

bye bye newton! review from part of the daily review trio

Bye,Newton! Our fire-bellied newt, Newton, is going away today! We are getting a turtle next week! Now, Willa, say "Bye, Newton!" She said bye. This is your daily review from Pamone and Lucky. No Gup today. It's Rosh Hashanna, so she's out throwing bread in a lake. Sounds like fun, huh?

We did a study guide for our huge test friday!

Language Arts-
We did a The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe packet. Then we wrote a cute little definition for symbolysm. It was coolio!

We took notes on multiples and factors. Then Ms. Smith did an activity with us on dimensions. For more info, look for tonight's homework, which should be soon posted.

That's aLL for today!

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